Free Yourself, Stop Taking Things Personally
During the holiday season, most people get the opportunity to spend time with their family and loved ones. Iā€™ve had the beautiful opportunity to spend time with my parents and other loved ones recently, and wow... I realized more than ever that so much learning is available if we're willing to take on the challenge of loving unconditionally when we're with family and loved ones, even if we have different beliefs.
We have to constantly remember that every single human being is living out their own version of reality through their own programming and beliefs, including us.
That said, my biggest lesson learned when I reminded myself of this recently is to never ever, ever, ever, take anything personally. Why would we? Everyone is simply seeing life through their own lens based on what they believe is good, bad, right, or wrong. And sure, they may judge us, criticize us, blame us, etc. But why would we allow this to upset us? Instead, we can simply realize they are seeing life through their own perspective and we don't have to react to it emotionally.
And if someone shares a judgment, criticism, or feedback with you in a way that isn't helpful or positive, instead of getting defensive, realize they are in their own dream and saying or doing what they think is right.
Now, I don't say this as a permission slip to get all spiritual with people and disregard them by telling them they are just living in their own world, so nothing they say matters. That creates disconnection. Rather, it's an invitation to create more connection with others by staying open and curious. To practice being more present instead of reacting emotionally to everything you don't agree with.
What if instead of closing off, we asked more questions? What if we can disagree with someone, and yet be willing to hear the other person out to better understand them?
I want to be clear, what I am not saying is that we allow ourselves to be disrespected or tolerate certain behaviors. It's important that we learn to navigate these situations, speak our truth, and set boundaries accordingly. For more on that, check out my podcast episode on boundaries.
In closing, remember that everyone is living their life through their own perception which is created by their programming and beliefs about life. That said, I believe we shouldn't take anything anyone says or does personally. In my opinion, it becomes silly to take things personally when you truly understand and grasp this concept.
Try this out: See if you can notice others living out their life, doing what they do, saying what they say, and simply observe with an open heart and curiosity. Notice if you can accept them just as they are, as another human being who is creating their own reality through their beliefs about life.
When we stop taking things personally, over time, I promise it gets easier to love everyone equally because you know that the only true difference between all human beings is how we see the world.
With love and inspiration,