Nothing Changes Until YOU Change
I want to remind you that nothing changes in your life until you change.
You cannot create a new reality as the same person you are right now.
If you want your life to change, you are going to have to change yourself first.
After years of studying and applying transformational work, I can assure you that until you change the way you think, the way you act/behave, and the way you feel, nothing will change in your life.
Dr Joe Dispenza always tells his students, "Most people try to create a new life as the same person who created their current life, and it just doesn't work. More of the same will only create more of the same. You literally have to become someone else."
I invite you to find 30 minutes today to journal on these questions:
What is the greatest expression of myself I can become?
What new thoughts and beliefs do I need to embrace to become this person?
What new choices do I need to make in order to live in alignment with this new, greater version of myself?
What can I expect will get in the way of me achieving this greater version of myself?
What fears am I still holding on to that are blocking my greatness? Am I willing to take courageous action in spite of these fears?
What actions can I begin taking today to start making progress towards my greatness?
Answer these questions sincerely, with passion, and I assure you that inspiration will flow into your heart about what is truly possible for you.
It's time to step into your greatness!
With love and inspiration,